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Evil Twin Attack Guide

What is an Evil Twin Attack?

An evil twin attack is a type of wireless attack where an attacker creates a fake wireless network that mimics a legitimate one. Users unknowingly connect to the fake network, allowing the attacker to capture sensitive information or perform further attacks.

How Evil Twin Attacks Work

Tools for Evil Twin Attacks

Here are some tools to perform evil twin attacks (for educational purposes only):


A multi-use bash script for auditing wireless networks, including evil twin attacks.


A tool for performing evil twin and phishing attacks.


A tool for creating fake wireless networks and capturing sensitive information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Evil Twin Attacks

Here’s how you can perform an evil twin attack (for educational purposes only):

  1. Choose a Tool: Select a tool like Airgeddon or Wifiphisher.
  2. Create Fake Network: Use the tool to create a fake wireless network with the same SSID as a legitimate one.
  3. Lure Users: Lure users into connecting to the fake network.
  4. Capture Data: Capture sensitive information from the victims.
  5. Perform Further Attacks: Perform further attacks, such as phishing or malware injection.

Evil Twin Attack Example

Below is a simple simulation of an evil twin attack. Click the button to simulate creating a fake network.

How to Protect Yourself

To protect yourself from evil twin attacks, follow these steps:

Legal Disclaimer

Evil twin attacks are illegal and unethical. This guide is for educational purposes only. Do not use this information for malicious activities. Always respect privacy and follow the law.