Packet Sniffing is the process of capturing and analyzing network traffic. It is often used for network troubleshooting, but it can also be used maliciously to capture sensitive information like passwords, emails, and other data transmitted over the network.
Here are some tools and resources to perform packet sniffing (for educational purposes only):
A network protocol analyzer for capturing and analyzing network traffic.
A command-line packet analyzer for capturing network traffic.
A tool for performing packet sniffing and other MitM attacks.
A web debugging proxy for capturing and analyzing HTTP traffic.
Here’s how you can perform packet sniffing (for educational purposes only):
Below is a simple simulation of packet sniffing. Click the button to simulate capturing network traffic.
To protect yourself from packet sniffing, follow these steps:
Packet sniffing is illegal and unethical. This guide is for educational purposes only. Do not use this information for malicious activities. Always respect privacy and follow the law.