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WHOIS Lookup Guide

What is WHOIS Lookup?

WHOIS Lookup is a query and response protocol used to query databases that store information about registered domain names and IP addresses. It provides details such as the domain owner's contact information, registration and expiration dates, and the domain's registrar.

How WHOIS Lookup Works

When a domain name is registered, the registrar is required to collect and submit the registrant's information to a WHOIS database. This information is then made publicly available through WHOIS Lookup services. Here's how it works:

WHOIS Lookup Techniques

Here are some common techniques used in WHOIS Lookup:

WHOIS Lookup Tools

Here are some of the best tools for conducting WHOIS Lookup:

WHOIS Lookup

A simple online tool for querying WHOIS information for domains and IP addresses.


A comprehensive tool for WHOIS Lookup, domain research, and monitoring.

ICANN Lookup

The official WHOIS Lookup tool provided by ICANN.


An API for programmatically accessing WHOIS data.

A popular WHOIS Lookup service with additional domain research features.


A tool for deep WHOIS research and historical WHOIS records.

Whois Request

A command-line tool for performing WHOIS Lookup.

A simple and user-friendly WHOIS Lookup service.

WHOIS Lookup Best Practices

To conduct WHOIS Lookup effectively and ethically, follow these best practices:

Legal Disclaimer

WHOIS Lookup should only be conducted for legitimate purposes. Misuse of WHOIS data can result in legal consequences. Always respect privacy and follow applicable laws.